Masterclasses will be held for 2 hours per week for a month. These classes will focus on mastering one subject. Classes are Fridays from 1:30PM-3:30PM.
Home atmosphere: February, April
Math Teaching: March, May
Ready to dive deep? Choose from one of our two-hour, weekly master classes for two months of highly focused training in one of the following subjects:
Math: Come learn how to be your child's own arithmetic teacher. We'll walk you through our tried and true methods of making math simple and easy for children. Remember, when arithmetic is mastered, algebra 1, algebra 2, and geometry become a collection of fun puzzles to solve.
Home Atmosphere: Come learn how to be on top of simple home environment aspects like schedules, menus, budgets, and also more complex parenting challenges like teaching children to work, recovering the uninspired teen, and creating an atmosphere of beauty, inspiration, and learning in your home.